Lučić Prigrevica AD

Lučić Prigrevica AD has GLOBALG.A.P., HACCP and sertifikat IFS Food Version 6.1 November 2017. certificates.

GLOBAL G.A.P certificates represent the key reference for Good Agricultural Practice in the global market, following the demands of consumers in agricultural production. GLOBAL G.A.P. is a system of management in agriculture, for the primary commercial production of food intended for the market. This system introduces the practice and provides confirmation of the consistent application of Good Agricultural Practice which guarantees that agricultural products are safe for human consumption.

Certificate Number IFS Food Version 6.1 November 2017:IFS-GDO/19/372 COID no: 48244, Certificate issue date: 17-03-2020, expiration date 21-03-2021, certified by: RINA Services S.p.A

Certificate No. HACCP-AGG-75 Certificate Issue Date: 24-03-2020 Certificate Expiry Date: 23-03-2021 Certified by: Assessors Global Group

Panonka DOO

PI Panonka doo Sombor has the HACCP, ISO 9001:2015 RINA SIMTEX , ISO 9001:2015 IQ Net and IFS Food Version 6.1 November 2017. certificates.

 The organization has established an integrated system of quality management and product safety in compliance with ISO 9001: 2015 and IFS Food Version 6.1 November 2017 certificates.

Certificate No.   ISO 9001:2015: ISO 9001-37512/18/AN Certificate Issue Date: 16-11-2018 Certificate Expiry Date: 10-07-2020 Certified by: RINA SIMTEX

Certificate No.   ISO 9001:2015: ISO 9001-IT-121428 Certificate Issue Date: 16-11-2018 Certificate Expiry Date: 10-07-2020 Certified by: IQ Net

Certificate Number IFS Food Version 6.1 November 2017:IFS-GDO/19/372 COID no: 48244, Certificate issue date: 17-01-2019, expiration date 16-01-2020, certified by: RINA Services S.p.A

Certificate No. HACCP-AGG-75 Certificate Issue Date: 17-01-2019 Certificate Expiry Date: 16-01-2020 Certified by: Assessors Global Group